"God did not create Evil. Just as darkness is the absence of light, evil is the absence of God." - Albert Einstein

Catching Fire


As the book series goes on, you begin to get more of a sense of Snow's evil intentions and just what he is willing to do to keep control of Panem.
The book begins shortly before the beginning of the Victory Tour, when Snow visits Katniss to discuss the consequences of attempting a double-suicide in the arena. He tells her that she has to convince the rest of Panem that her and Peeta are madly in love, and threatens to kill her closest friends and family if she fails. She fails to do this, and instead sparks a rebellion in Districts 8, 4 and 3. Snow becomes worried by this and plans to have Katniss and Peeta killed in the arena during Quarter Quell, in the hopes that this will bring the districts back into line. This is unsuccessful, and by the end of Catching Fire nearly all of the districts are openly rebelling including District 12, which Snow has bombed. This bombing kills Katniss' close friend Madge and 7,000 other people; nearly the entire population of District 12.

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Good versus Evil